KINDERGARTEN Headphones Backpack Pencil Box Box of Crayons 8 Glue Sticks Pencils Erasers Box of washable markers Bottle of hand sanitizer Gym Shoes Blanket for Quiet Time 2 boxes of Kleenex tissue Extra Clothes labeled in Ziplock Bag *Please Label all items* | FIRST GRADE 12 Pencils Large eraser Crayons Box of Tissue Scissors Elmer’s Glue P.E. Shoes Pencil Box-needed to hold supplies in desk |
SECOND GRADE Pencils Large Eraser Crayons Scissors Pencil Box Paint Shirt P.E. Shoes Box of Tissue Glue Stick | THIRD GRADE
1 pair of Scissors 24 # 2 Wood Pencils (can keep some at home) 2 Large Pink Erasers 4 Glue Sticks 1 Big box kleenex 1 Handheld pencil sharpener 2 Pocket folders 1 Box 24 Crayons 4 Dry erase markers 1 Small packet of multicolored highlighters 1 Set of headphones (preferably not earbuds) Ruler with centimeters & inches Pencil box 2 Composition books Refillable water bottle Backpack (Large enough for folders) Pair of P.E. shoes A great smile on the first day of school! |
**Optional; otherwise REQUIRED 2 Packs Loose-Leaf Paper 4 Mechanical Pencils 3 Packs Lead size 7 Eraser Colored Pencils 8 Color watercolor Set **Scissors **ruler **used over-size shirt/t-shirt for use during Art | FIFTH GRADE
Pencils Glue Sticks Colored Pencils Scissors Ruler Large Eraser Spiral Notebooks Box of Tissue P.E. Shoes Backpack |
School Supply List
August 3, 2021